
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Smudgefest 2015 - Day 7

Day 7 of Smudgefest 2015 is here!
This is a week-long  Challenge extravaganza, each day a different challenge, and the prizes are amazing.
The challenge for today is called
We have to take any Smeared Ink image and turn it into some sort of superhero on your project! We'll be nice and let you choose either super hero or super villain, but in your description or even on your project, you must tell us your super's name and super power.
Here is my ATC:
Image used: Heart Grumpy 
My Villain is The Riddler and he is an escape artist, maybe he is not a super villain, but I love this character.


1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha LoL - that is just FABulous.... made me chuckle. Very clever 'outfit' he's wearing :-D

    IKE xxx


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